How to Remove Mice From Under Floorboards

Mice are common pests and are found in homes as well as commercial properties. They thrive when the weather outside is cold, during flooding, when there are building works going on in the area, when food is available in your house, or when there is debris and clutter.
Mice live in cavities, for instance in walls, and under floorboards. These pests are not only unpleasant, but their droppings can cause diseases like murine typhus, salmonella, and Hantavirus Pumonary Syndrome. They can also chew through cables resulting in electrical fires.
The rodents have very fast breeding, and can produce 12 offspring in a few weeks time. Worse still, they breed throughout the year. It is therefore advisable to get rid of mice as soon as possible.


How do you tell when mice have infested your floorboard?

  • Tiny, dark droppings about the size of a sesame seed
  • A strong smell of ammonia
  • Squeaking and scratching noises in the floorboard
  • Shredded paper or other material on the floor- the rodents use this to prepare their nests

Getting rid of mice under your floorboard 

  1. Block up holes

Mice are small and flexible, and fit in very small holes. Block all entrances, including gaps in the floorboard. You can use wire wool.

  1. Remove all food

Ensure that there are no crumbs on any surfaces, or on the floor. Store food in sealed containers and in a high place, where it is difficult for the mouse to reach. The trash should be placed in a secure garbage can.

  1. Use of traps

This is undoubtedly the most effective method. Place traps alongside walls. There are different types of traps ranging from snap traps, humane traps, sticky and electronic traps. Each type has its pros and cons.

Humane traps

These traps entice the mouse using bait. When attempting to get the bait, the mouse gets trapped inside the rectangular plastic trap. The door closes and the mouse can’t leave. You may release the rodent, but ensure it is about a mile from your property to make certain that it doesn’t return.

Snap traps

These are wooden and use bait to entice the mouse. They then snap and shut on top of it. The mouse may be killed or not.

Electronic traps 

The trap will lure the mouse using bait. It will get into a tunnel-like contraption. The rodent trips a switch and will be killed by an electrical current.

  1. Mouse poison

Mouse poison is the most common alternative for traps. The poison usually has feeding trays which you can put on mouse entrance and exit points.

  1. Electromagnetic and sonic devices

The electromagnetic devices create an electromagnetic field using the electricity supply in your property. The mice are therefore driven away. Sonic devices constantly produce a high-pitched noise which mice can hear but humans can’t.

  1. Use of peppermint oil

Peppermint oil has a strong smell which repels mice. Mix it your surface and floor cleaner and clean your floor.
It is possible to get rid of mice in your floorboard, after application of the most effective method according to your situation, take precautionary measures like getting rid of food, clutter and debris, and sealing all holes using wire wool. If all your efforts prove futile, then call in a pest control professional to take the reins.